WILLIAM WILLIAMS, 1727-1791, mariner, castaway, story teller, teacher, artist and novelist, was the youngest son of William and Elizabeth Williams. He was baptized June 14, 1727, in St. Augustine's Parish, Bristol, England. After his grammar school and sea experiences he spent thirty years in America mostly in Philadelphia and New York. His returned to England in 1776 and lived in the London area. He died in the Merchants Almshouse on King Street in Bristol April 27, 1791, and was buried in St. Augustine's church yard. What is recognized as his tombstone survived. It was found broken and damaged probably by bombs dropped by the Luftwaffe during World War II, some of whose bombs set fire to the church.
He married Mary Mare, daughter of John Mare and Mary Bes, in New York City on November 17, 1757, by Rev. David Bostwick, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. For a more complete story of his life, see the writer's book, THE ANCESTOR, copyrighted 1971.